Sunday, September 25, 2011

My Child Has Holes In His Teeth and I Need to Read the Bible More

So my idea for starting this other blog was so I wouldn’t feel limited to writing about Jack all the time which makes it just a tad ironic that his mouth would be the focal point of this first real posting, but that is where I am so, oh well.  You see, as I was cleaning off my island today (yes, I really do that!) I ran across the reminder notice for Jolene’s upcoming dentist appointment and my mind couldn’t help but begin to wander to Jack.   

I just took all four of our girls to the dentist for cleanings and during both visits (I take two kids at a time) I made a marked effort to educate Jack about the experience as we desperately need to have him assessed by a dentist as he literally has holes in his teeth.  Now, I’m not talking about the wee little cavities that you or I worry that the dentist might uncover between two of our molars or hiding along the gum line, I am talking about sizeable holes where the tooth has completely rotted away.   Spaces between his molars that I can easily put my fingernail into.  Brown spots along his gum line that are actually tunnels leading into the center of his teeth.  Teeth that he refuses to use to bite into an apple or a carrot because (I highly suspect) they hurt when used to cut through hard objects.  Teeth that are whiter now than they were a month ago, but still carry a large amount of tartar around all day.  See, I told you, his teeth are in terrible condition.  

Now you might be processing this information in a number of different ways.  Perhaps you are appalled by such poor hygienic conditions and wonder how such a thing could be allowed to happen to any child.  Perhaps you are saddened at the thought of this small little person having such serious dental issues already at the tender age of four.  Perhaps you are pondering whether this is a common situation among children in China or other third world countries and are racking your brain for some way to help.  Perhaps you are wishing I had posted a picture or two because you simply cannot reconcile the conditions I have described with the happy little face you’ve seen in all my other posts.  Perhaps you wish I hadn’t said anything at all because you are now a bit grossed out and feel the distinct need to go brush and floss.  Or perhaps you are wondering what this has to do with reading the Bible and wish I would get to the point.  

Well, I see it like this… Jack’s teeth did not get into the condition they are in overnight.  Such decay takes time.  In his case I don’t truly believe that it is anybody’s fault.  I don’t think anyone purposely sabotaged his dental health.  No one created an evil plan to harm his teeth or gums.  No one fed him a diet of sugar and molasses to encourage tooth decay.  In reality, the exact opposite is probably true.  Someone made a daily effort to take good care of him.  Someone provided the best nutrients they were able to supply in a very limited situation.  Someone did all they could to do the best they could in the conditions Jack resided within.  But we here in the United States live in a different reality and know that there is so much more that could have, perhaps should have, and we just know we would have done.  And that is precisely what brought my thoughts back to the Bible.

For years I have worked my way through all sorts of parenting books in an effort to find new ideas, seek out new responses, develop better discipline practices and basically, as a very-often parenting alone military wife, find support and reassurance for what I was already doing at home.  Over the past couple of months, however, I have realized that I am now in a place where I don’t really need to gather anymore advice on how to discipline, nurture or generally raise our kids – we have good kids who know the Lord and what isn't working isn't about them.  What I really need are some clear cut, Christ-centered thoughts on how to discipline, nurture and raise myself.  I have spent years taking care of my children but not truly watching to be sure I was taking care of my own spiritual needs.  I can blame it on whatever I want and I can make excuses from here to eternity, but the fact of the matter is at this point my spiritual teeth are rotting and it is time to see the Dentist.  I didn’t get here overnight, but here is where I am just the same.   

Spiritual decay, I think, really is a lot like tooth decay.  Have you ever gone to bed one night without brushing because you were just too tired?  It was too late?  You left your toothbrush at home when you headed out on vacation?  Or perhaps you are a three-times-a-day brusher that inadvertently skipped that after lunch cleansing because life simply got in the way and you were running late.  Well, are you dead?  Did skipping once kill you?  The reality of it all is that skipping one brushing isn’t going to kill you (don’t tell my kids I said that), but… skipping once tends to make it easier to skip again.  And the same is true with reading the Bible.

So one day is crazy and you just never get a moment to sit down one-on-one with the Lord.  Is this a good thing?  Of course not.  Will it kill you?  Probably not, but it sure can make it easier to skip another day here or there and isn’t that how we work?  Or is this just me?  What didn’t kill me once certainly won’t harm me the next time.  Right?  WRONG.  Skipping a day of quiet time with your Lord and Savior will most definitely harm you, just like tartar on your teeth.  Damage builds up slowly, a little bit at a time, until one day you see the big picture and wonder how you ever let it get this bad, and how painful will it be to fix it?  The question isn't - will it kill you?  The real question to ponder is – will you notice before permanent damage is done?

I’m happy to tell you – I noticed!  I’m not proud of the fact that I skipped a day of time in the Word, and I’m truthfully a bit embarrassed to admit that one day turned into two, and then three and then eventually snowballed into more days than I will even let myself know the total for at this point.  But, embarrased or not,  I truly believe the only reason I can sit here and speak honestly about any of this without fear of your dismissing me as some heathen or lightening striking me from above is because I spotted the problem as it grew and made the purposeful decision to alter my course.  Am I proud of my recent hiatius?  Of course I am not, but I'm here now aren't I?  Back where I should be and cleaning up my mess.  Satan is alive and well, my friends, and he will take any opportunity he can find to suck us into his mind games.  Be on guard and keep watch because “I don’t have time”, “I’m too tired”, and “One day won’t hurt” are just a few of his dirty little lies and before you know it, those brown spots will become holes and you won’t even have noticed them growing.

So, how exactly does one go about repairing spiritual decay?  I think the key is to find a way to hook yourself back into the Word of God.  Don't worry about what other people may be doing, find something that works for you.  For some this might simply be taking the moment right now to crack the Bible back open and read a favorite verse or a Psalm or turn to a favorite parable for a short read.  Others might need a more structured approach like a scripture reading guide, choosing an entire book of the Bible to read through, or reading a chapter of Proverbs each day.  Others might decide to try a new Bible Study either at home or with a group of friends, maybe decide to journal as you read, or find a devotional that directly quotes scriptures for reference and further reading.  There is no end to the ways to expose yourself to the Word, you simply need to choose something you want to try - you can always try something different later.

For me this rejuvenation came from choosing a book to read while my children are resting.  This had long been my set aside quiet time with the Lord until I returned from China and began using it much more as naptime for me too, so it only made sense to schedule my first cleaning appointment with God in that timeslot.  I recently purchased Elizabeth George's book A Mom After God’s Own Heart so I decided to use that book as a guide for both directing my heart toward God as well as a jumping-off point for a daily read in the Bible.  Ironically, the first chapter of the book is entitled “Focusing on the Heart” – setting time aside for Bible Study, prayer and memorizing scripture - exactly what the Dentist ordered.

So, now I am here…  I am four days down and running with my newly rescheduled daily visits with the Word. And I feel great!  The distance between myself and God that had been building like tartar on unclean teeth is starting to dissipate and I can feel things coming back into focus.  Was I totally lost?  Did I wander away from God and turn my back on Christ?  Of course not.  I simply let life get in the way and block my view of the Prize for a stint.  I was tired, I was off-routine, I was trying to find a new normal in the chaos that is life and just like the nannies that took care of Jack’s teeth before he came home to us I was doing what I thought was best with what I had.  What I didn’t realize (or forgot) while in the middle of it all, however, is that with God alongside me I am not limited to my best and what I can do.  When I turn myself and my heart back over to Him the resources are limitless and the possibilities are beyond my imagination.

So, how about you?  Might you need a visit to the spiritual Dentist along the way?  I bet you do - because don’t we all?  Six-month dental check-ups aren’t there for those who have completely lost their way and thrown their toothbrushes to the wind.  Check-ups are check-ups, just like their name.  The only difference between your dentist and God is that God wants to see you everyday because no matter how you do it there is absolutely nothing like a good spiritual cleaning to get you back on the right path and there is no way to get clean without being directly connected with the Word of God.  And even if your spiritual teeth are more than a little bit dirty, the cleaning is offered to you as well.  There is no waiting, no appointment schedule, no drills, no wires, no scary noises - Just God with His arms open wide waiting to take you in and make you whole.  So what are you waiting for?  Grab your Bible and sink your teeth into a big, juicy taste of His Word!  I promise, it is well worth the time invested.

My son, if you receive my words
and treasure up my commandments with you,
making your ear attentive to wisdom
and inclining your heart to understanding;
yes, if you cry out for insight
and raise your voice for understanding,
if you seek it like silver
and search for it as for hidden treasures;
then you will understand the fear of the Lord
and find the knowledge of God.
     Proverbs 2:1-5

I life up my eyes to the hills.
From whence does my help come?
My help comes from the Lord,
who made heaven and earth.
     Psalm 121: 1-2

"The degree of our spiritual strength will be in direct proportion to the time we spend in God's Word." Elizabeth George

Monday, September 12, 2011

Here I Go...

Hi!  And welcome to my little corner of the world.  I have created this blog more as therapy for myself than for any other reason, but I invite you to join me as I walk the road God has laid before me as Army wife and mother of five.     

Over the past year I blogged about our family’s journey to bring our son home from China and I often found it comforting to know that I had support coming from many different directions.  Now that Jack is home, however, it is time to let him write his own story and it is also time for Mom to focus more on my own.  So, here is where I am…   

I am creating a new blog so that I may continue to type and write and work through the thoughts in my head in a way that I can not only seek the wisdom of God for myself but share what He is doing and gain support from my friends along the way.  I pray that anything I post in this venue will serve to keep my own mind and heart healthy as I seek to find, enjoy and perhaps even wrestle with the opportunities and experiences God has placed in my life.  Some days I might vent, and some days I might cry, but hopefully most days I will say just a little something to make you smile.   

Thank you for following me here, my friend.   I’m not quite sure where this is going, but I’m looking forward to the journey.